Andrew Sobel, Author at Andrew Sobel - Page 30 of 49
Ben Franklin’s Relationship Building Secrets
Have you come to hate the word “networking?” Join the club.
Read articleCould Your Pricing Be Stronger?
Robust pricing is a key to profitability, yet most professionals spend little time seriously exploring how to price their services effectively.
Read articleDo You Have Contagious Enthusiasm?
Enthusiasm is contagious! Think about the most enjoyable and memorable professors you had in college. More likely than not, they possessed unbridled enthusiasm for their subject. Whether it was Art 101 or Political Science, they drew you in. They captivated your attention and interest.
Read articleAre You Learning Every Day? Take a Page from Leonardo
I could easily be a dinosaur. That’s because I earned my MBA in 1981 from Dartmouth’s Tuck School. I looked at the course catalog recently, and realized that I’m like the doctor who went to medical school before the invention of penicillin and the discovery of DNA. Most of what MBA students study today was not on the curriculum 32 years ago. The point is this: the half life of knowledge is incredibly short, and what we learn in school is dwarfed by what we should and must learn outside of school. As so-called “educated” professionals, the ability to rapidly learn and flex our minds is the key to occupational longevity. We must be, as Einstein said to a friend, “passionately curious.” Look no further than Leonardo for one of history’s most prolific and motivated learners.
Read articleCan We Start Over?
When you find yourself getting into an argument, and arguing about how you're arguing--you need to reset. At work, if you start a presentation and it's not going well--or new information comes to light that you were unaware of--you need to reset. Use this simple question: "Do you mind if we start over?" It's a powerful way to get the conversation back on track.
Read articleWhen a question is the answer
My new book comes out on February 7th. It’s called Power Questions: Build Relationships, Win New Business, and Influence Others. Why a book about questions? Good questions challenge your thinking. They reframe and redefine the problem. They throw cold water on our most dearly-held assumptions, and force us out of our traditional thinking. They motivate us to learn and discover more. They remind us of what is most important in our lives.
Read articleQuestions You Must Ask Your Boss
It can and does happen even to top performers: You see the axe falling on others, but you know it couldn’t happen to you. You’ve consistently gotten good performance reviews, and you play a key role in your organization. Your job is important! now realize there may be some subtle, almost unnoticeable warning signs that you are ignoring or dismissing.
Read articleHow to Handle a Client Crisis
It has happened and will happen to every professional who deals with clients: something goes wrong or your client gets upset about something you've done or said. Here are eight tips for dealing with an unhappy client and starting the process of resolution:
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