How do I get this client to regularly engage?
While we may feel a client like this is being difficult, in fact he or she is probably behaving quite rationally. When they perceive you to be useful or valuable, they want to spend time with you; and when they do not see your value, they don’t want to waste their time!
This client doesn’t want to meet because he doesn’t perceive that meeting as helping him achieve one of his high priority goals. He doesn’t see how it relates to his agenda of critical priorities and goals. When clients don’t want to spend time with us, we should blame ourselves, not them.
Our job is to help our clients achieve their goals, period. We need to demonstrate, in all our interactions, that we are doing that. Whatever project or transaction you may be working on, you have to show clearly how it supports your client‘s agenda.
Sometimes, clients need to be educated about the importance of face time and regular updates. So it may make sense to sit down and say, "With my best clients, I have a regular, quarterly meeting to discuss progress, assess new information, and ensure I am aligned with their most important priorities…" But then you have to deliver–you have to make these sessions relevant and add "value for time."